Welcome to the Lower Platte River Corridor Alliance
The Lower Platte River is one of Nebraska's most unique and populous areas of the state. With diversity in natural, cultural, economic and social resources, both opportunities and challenges abound. With collaboration and participation by the Corridor's residents, stakeholders, and the greater public, the LPRCA can continue to protect, enhance, and restore the wealth of resources.
Our Mission
The Lower Platte River Corridor Alliance exists to foster the development and implementation of locally drawn strategies, actions, and practices to protect, enhance, and restore the vitality of the Lower Platte River's resources.
Our programs are designed to further our mission and provide much needed services for our constituents.
Take a look. -
Fundraisers and events help us raise awareness and generate crucial resources to serve our community. Join us at our next event and see how you can get involved.
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Improve your community by joining our cause. You'd be surprised at what a huge difference a little bit of your time can make.
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